March 6, 2009, Newsletter Issue #277: Good Bacteria: Yogurt and Kefir

Tip of the Week

One common homeopathic dog nutritional supplement is yogurt. It contains "good" bacteria, which can aid in digestion and help keep your dog's digestive system clean and functioning optimally.

Yogurt is also a key in transitioning your dog from kibble or other processed food to a raw diet because of the good bacteria and protein content.

You may want to take your yogurt treatment to the next level and you can do this with a dog supplement called Kefir. Kefir is a cultured milk product like yogurt, but it takes the benefits one step further. Kefir contains friendly bacteria and also colonizes the digestive tract, which helps improve solid wastes, reduces intestinal disorders, reduces gas, and promotes proactive health maintenance. Additionally, it will help with your dog's coat, skin, and reduce anxiety.

*Add a spoonful of acidophilus or naturally cultured yogurt that includes acidophilus to your dog's food to help him digest his meals better or settle an upset stomach.

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