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What value are dog crates in training and care?


In order to teach a puppy to go potty outside, keep her in her crate if you are heading out and during the night. As soon as you come home, let your puppy outside without greeting her. Choose a keyword or phrase such as "Outside!" or "Go Potty!" and use it every time. Avoid interacting with your dog until she has eliminated.

Keep in mind that puppies have limited bladder control and that you cannot expect them to refrain from peeing or pooping for long periods. For instance, a 20-week-old puppy should have six to eight potty breaks a day.

Dog owners have discovered that, if used properly, a dog crate can be both a useful training tool and a happy place for a dog. A dog can come to consider a crate to be the equivalent of a den, as long as it is associated with positive experiences not punishment.

Dog owners have discovered that, if used properly, a dog crate can be both a useful training tool and a happy place for a dog. A dog can come to consider a create to be the equivalent of a den, as long as it is associated with positive experiences not punishment.



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