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Having trouble with your barking dog? Try an anti-bark collar. The anti-bark collar is safe for your pet, unlike some collars that use electric shocks. Companies claim electric shocks are not harmful or painful, but why not find a safer and humane alternative with an anti-bark collar?
There are two types of anti-bark collars - one emits a high-frequency sound that pulses in response to a dog's bark. But the sounds from the anti-bark collar are not audible to human ears. The second (and most popular) is a citronella anti-bark collar. Fastened around the dog's neck in training situations, the sound of the dog's bark triggers a shot of citronella to be squirted out beneath his snout... and dogs don't like the smell at all!
Most important, these anti-bark training collars are safe for pets. No shocks and no pain for your dog. The anti-bark collar is sensitive enough to hear nuisance barks. The anti-bark collar sends its pulse out around the neighborhood. Dogs will hear or smell the effects of their barking, and it triggers a learned behavior in the dog - I bark, I smell or hear... YUCK!