Winter Foot Care

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Is there any special care I need to give my dog in the winter?

Winter Foot Care

You may have heard that it's a good idea to wash your automobile as frequently as possible in the winter to prevent corrosion from road salt. If road salt can corrode the metal under your car, just think of the damage it can do to your dog's feet! The salt spread on sidewalks and roads can soak into your dog's footpads, causing drying, irritation, and in some cases painful cracks and sores. After winter strolls in areas where salt may be used, wash your dog's feet in with warm water and apply a balm to help heal dry skin. You'll both be glad you did!



4/24/2008 10:59:25 PM
Dorothy said:

Will just wiping their paws with a warm soapy cloth, then rinsed with same be just as good? Also what kind of balm do I use,? Is vaseline jelly any good or a vitamin E better???
Maybe aloe vera???


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